A Closer Look: Food Sensitivities Understand the fundamentals of food sensitivities, their impact on your well-being, and how they can manifest in your daily life. An Overview: The Meaning Behind Your Food Sensitivity Results Gain clarity on interpreting your food sensitivity results, connecting the dots between your symptoms and specific trigger foods. Change for the Better: Adapting Your Diet Discover strategies for making dietary changes tailored to your sensitivities, promoting a healthier and more comfortable lifestyle.


Note: Available in Medford location only

What to Do : Dealing with Common Food Sensitivities Learn how to effectively manage common food sensitivities, including practical advice on food alternatives and dietary adjustments. Reactivity Identified: Potential Triggers of Your Conditions Explore potential triggers of health conditions associated with food sensitivities, equipping you with knowledge to make informed choices. A Plentiful Supply: Important Nutrients and Their Sources Uncover the essential nutrients your body needs and the dietary sources to ensure your nutritional well-being while adhering to your dietary restrictions.


Note: Available in Medford location only

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